Pokemon fanfiction ash x erika. Ash was currently sitting on a park bench enjoying the sun.

Pokemon fanfiction ash x erika Misty sighed as she, Ash, and Brock were walking through the Rock Tunnel en route to Celadon City so Ash could challenge Erika, the Gym Leader there, she was also waiting for Ash to replace the bike he'd destroyed "Pika!" Ash's faithful partner, Pikachu, squeaked from his shoulder. He called over to Pikachu to help him but his friend refused and in fact hopped onto Slowking's shoulder. You can choose up to 20 girls at a time. ''Hey you dazing out'' Ash said still shaking her a little. The title of my new story will be Ash's best harem. " Ash enters and then tells how he had to disguise himself to have a chance of battling for the Rainbow Badge. The Krabby chirped and charged the parasite with his Vice Grip on. He saw Ben in the background. Ash blushed a crimson red as a beautiful girl had kissed him for the first time. 3. And the moment they made it out, they immediately grew back to normal size, which meant that they completely knocked me off of the toilet and busted the whole thing with their Chapter 1: Erika finds Ash in The Seaform Islands I'll be there for you (A Ash x Harem story) Random. A few notes, the characters I used apart from A. Ash was definitely going to file this in his report and began to walk away until Miles "Fury Cutter," Erika ordered so quietly that Ash could barely hear her. He thought he would have to wait until Celadon City to switch his pokemon. "Ash is in love with Erika!" Minako singed "Ash and Erika sitting in the tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" That made Ash fall to the ground and his head leaned on some dirt and Pikachu glared at the Blonde and Ash got up and looked at Minako. " Erika said. With Ash now a Pokemon League Winner and Serena a Pokemon Performer Queen, they decide to get a fresh start in the Hoenn region. Ash x multiple Female pokemon! 18 story a series of oneshots, involving Ash with the many female characters of the pokemon world, some crazy situations and some serious situations, will be willing to write with any female pairing with Ash. "King get back!" Ash cried with a gulp. Now after looking at the reviews, Ash's final opponent in the Indigo League, and the Mega Evolution he and his Mega Charizard X will face is Violet and her Mega Charizard Y. She bobbed her head up and down on his beating rod. "That's not so right, Erica. J. "Still here is a token of my appreciation" said Jasmine as she gave him a small kiss on his cheek. ) Violet. Nos presenta este on-shot entre Ash y la Líder de gimnasio Tipo Planta de Kanto, Erika. Pikachu unleashed a powerful blast of electricity, the devastating attack knocked out all of Team Plasma's pokemon but the shockwave pushed Skyla off the tower, "Dragonite, help save that woman now," Ash Ash walked into Santalune City thinking about his first gym battle against the Gym Leader of the city, the raven haired trainer wondered what type of pokemon he would be facing off against, he imagined a panda like fighting pokemon or a colourful quadruped pokemon with streamers waving behind it, "or maybe a small electric lizard like our friend from Mimori Islands," Ash stated while Ash said enthusiastically as he high fives the younger girl "Oh! Also!" The little girl spoke again, as she moved her hands to a small yellow bag perched on her left shoulder. WARNING: LEMON AT THE START. He told of all the pokemon he captured under different circumstances that includes his "little ones. Ash is placed higher in the League tournaments 6. Ash picked up his injured. It was an incredibly hard fight just from the numbers alone, but with a fair number of the trainers were considered Ace a series of oneshots, involving Ash with the many female characters of the pokemon world, some crazy situations and some serious situations, will be willing to write with any female pairing with Ash. Still no response. Yo solo lo público en Wattpad para hacerles publicidad. #ash #ashxerika #erika #kanto #pokemon Calem's Pyroar then started roaring trying to scare Ash and his little Electric Type Pokémon, but Ash knew better. "Tangela, Sleep Powder!" "Get off me!" Ash protested as he tried to push the other boys face away. This trainer turned out to be none other than Mewtwo, the female clone of an ancient female Mythical Pokemon, Mew. The girl was getting red in the face, from embarrassment Ash assumed. " There was a brief moment of silence as the band began a new song. A/N: Currently the only legendary/mythical Pokémon I have given Ash was Manaphy (Excluding the Ultra Beast as well as Cosmog line), Please list any suggestion of which legendary/mythical Pokémon you would like Ash to have (And too if you think its obtainable in anime style (PS: Don't mind my rudeness if we find this rude)). Ash sent out Charmander, while Erika sent out Tangela, the Vine Pokemon. Parasect chirped and charged Krabby with one of its claws consumed by a bright yellow. "You want to have a battle?" The samurai shook his head no, "Before you, I am nothing. Ash gave her one of his trademark smiles and assured her that he would. "Ms. Besides, it's only for today. Au: Ash and Jenny are both 22. by Taijutsudemonslayer. Rated: Fiction T - English Both Pokemon clashed beams but the fire easily overpowered the ice beam easily and completely swallowed the star shaped pokemon in flames. The bubble, now the size of a basketball, with a smaller version of Ash inside of it started to shrink even more, to the size of a tennis ball. I owe a thanks to 'Furycutter' and 'harem lord' for suggesting I divide the story into sections, 'Harem Lover 26' 'The Keeper of Worlds' for answering some questions and a big thanks to 'D-nasty' and 'Pure heart of light' for all their help, if you ever need anything in return (Within reason, EG: I won't murder anyone or give you my Cyber Jars) I'm there for ya, my amigos. "Hey, Ben!" he called and the Dusclops turned to see him, waved, and came over. Ash can't grow without opponents that are weak and easily beaten. Alex Keyoko played "Ash Ketchum" on "Pokemon Well the first fanfics I read were for DBZ, Pokémon, Naruto(in that order If I remember correctly), so naturally I came across fanfics where ash was turned into Ashchu, after that I started looking for fics where Ash was turned into other pokémon, like a mew for example, because "hey this is kinda interesting", still kinda looking for one's where ash is a gardevoir though Ash nodded and tensed up as the woman stroked the top of his chest with her brush. Erika seemed triumphant at the sight of Ash's third Pokémon. She wore a Red Kimono with blossom flowers on it and Pokémon sleeping under them. Ash and the Maybe that review will teach Erika not to ban Trainers," said Ash. 10 years Later, Ash is the Otron Regional Champion and plans his revenge against the Traitors. The city had not changed much over several years. "Vileplume!" "Sceptile!" I admit It was a little rushed and I shouldn't have had 4 pokemon evolve in it. "You're that boy. " Ash growled at her. "This is an official three on three Pokemon Battle between Gym Leader Erika of Celadon City, and the challenger Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town!" a female referee called out as Ash and Erika stood between a field surrounded by different trees with Erika before a large towering tree with burning red leaves and Ash behind a tree filled with cherry Ash and Brock's pokemon managed to take down all of Team Rocket's pokemon with only minor damage taken in return "Alright now hand Misty back her pokemon" demanded Ash "Not before getting past us" chimed Jessie as her and James appeared "That's right twerps and this time it's going to be us that comes out on top" added James Is massive fun between Ash and his sexy female pokemon. "That's right, but don't think you'll win just yet" Erika said pulling out her last usable Poke ball. "Playing the type card" Erika smiled. When they woke up, it was already 5:50 p. Ash-17. Ash "Thanks, Erika!" Ash responded as he took the badge from Erika and held it out in front of him. ) Daisy. Giovanni is a mere stepping stone by the way Ash won't properly be rid of him until the end of the Johto Saga. Ash was walking along the shores of Cyllage City. Cilan-19. /Satoshi, Georgia/Langley, Pikachu, Mienshao - Chapters: 7 - Words: 20,081 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 264 - Follows: 212 Long series of one-shots about Ash getting it on with different girls in the Pokemon anime and movies. She smiled to lighten the mood and began to "talk". please read and review as well as request Ash nodded to the terms before Leader and Challenger took their positions on the battlefield. She ran a top-of-the-line Poke Center in Viridian City as was engaged to the current Tojo champion Ash Ketchum. "Erika, you wouldn't let me in. The cold material almost immediately hardened, painting the area to look like the beautiful golden color of his Noctowl. Ash knew this would take a while and began to Yellow wondered while watching Ash throw the pokeball at the water type pokemon. "Huh. (Double points if anyone can figure out who Nuzleaf was based off of. Ash and Erika came out of the stadium onto the battlefield. "Miss Erika" she called out a little louder, but still no response. After Ash gets betrayed by most of his male friends and his mother, he gets very heartbroken and runs away with all of his pokemon and disappears without a trace for 3 and a half years. Ash Pokemon Trainer and Coordinator by fanfic meister reviews After watching a Water Elite Master and Contest Master, Ash sets his sight on becoming the world's best trainer and coordinator. " Whitney yelled at the herd as it began to downpour. The spores made contact, but they were quickly washed away in the rain. This story takes about a year after Ash became the Alola league champion. " He walked off, leaving Ash and "I must say that was quite an impressive strategy Ash. FanFiction | unleash Ash was betrayed by most of his friends and journey to conquer the Pokemon world. '' Though a seemingly happy family, Ash leaves Misty and their son Red behind to go on a journey and never returns. AU: The events of the fifth movie were changed to the following:-Latios was never killed-After stopping the DMA the first time, the Sould Dew was purified, going back to normal Erika smirked lightly as she suspected that the three hadn't had much exposure to Johto Pokemon. Aura is just a psychic ability. and Erika are from other series so a bonus point to anyone who figures them out. "It's all ready to go!" she offered to Chloe. Ash and Yellow watched the pokeball wobble from side to side until the pokeball finally indicated the capture of the pokemon, Ash jumped up for joy at the capture of the new water pokemon, "alright I captured a Vaporeon," Ash said in a celebratory manner. A story request by ghost509. Character ages. 1. Erika, you may want to see this!" a trainer called to the Celadon gym leader. " Erika complimented, as she returned Victreebel and grabbed her final Pokeball. After spending a long time talking they finally heard Nurse Joy call out their names, they all got up and went to Nurse Joy who handed Anabel's Pokéballs and Lapras' Pokéball back to them. Pretty sure that the Pokémon world has a mailing system since the Gen III games do have mail you can give to your Pokémon before you trade them. please read and review as well as request Ash and the others sent out all of their pokemon to fight back against the hoard of pokemon that the Yas and Kas gyms sent out. Ash x Erika. " Meaning that Iris can mess with him starting tomorrow. Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, Rotor Walrus, Metal Sonic and Snively are just a few of the characters outside of Sonic X that I'm gonna incorporate. to your library and "Maybe if you didn't act out, I would've shown it to you," Erika remarked. It entangles anything that gets close. So where was. I hope to see you again. After Ash cross-dresses to get into Celadon gym, Misty, Brock, and Ash's entire team lose all respect for the boy and betray him. "Alright! I got the Rainbow Badge!" "You're now halfway to the Pokemon League, Ash!" Serena told him. /Satoshi, Nemona/Nemo - Words: 1,139 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 40 - Published: 5/26/2024 - Status: Complete - id: 14359562 "Everyone move quickly the storm is here. Ash is betrayed by those who he held closest to his heart. "Well Ash I look forward to tomorrow" said Erika. "Alright time to show you the beauty and power of grass Mew placed a paw and rubbed her forehead "I don't know?" Ash sighed and silently hoped she didn't pick off another poor farmer's crops like she did the last time. Ash with either Psychic, Aura or Shape Shifting power (ex. 4. pokemon and began to slowly retreat back towards his friends, when he was interrupted by a voice. "Ash, I'll take care of your Pokemon for you," she smiled, as she got some medicine out Chapter 5: An Endless Confrontation. Ash Ketchum, a young trainer from Pallet Town, was with his friends Misty and Brock on New Island, invited by the world's 'best trainer'. He's been doing errands for me, helping with the baby Pokemon and keeping the less well behaved Pokémon in line. "STAMIE!" The pokemon flew out of the flames in pain! Ash looked like this wasn't going to be fun for him. m. Maybe some day, I will have the skill to challenge you. Erika-18. Especially the group of Pokemon Ash is currently carrying with him, which is literally ALL of his Pokemon (with the exception of 30 Tauros, only the leader). Ash has nothing, but a sympathetic Erika comforts him and Erika chuckled when Ash placed his hands together in thanks, she returned the gesture by filling Ash's bowl with the Sukiyaki through the use of a ladle. So we head back to Kanto for this piece. This time Ash takes on the sisters from the fifth movie (Pokemon Heroes). Ash was surprised when he found a phone and pokemon transfer device on the road. "The authorities declared him a victim of manipulative criminals. ''Oh, sorry about that Ash, I zoned out for a second. The two then throw the Poke balls in the air and the Pokemon unleashed from it are Erika's Vileplume and Ash's Sceptile. a few references from my other story, Ash and Serena to Alola, may be This fanfic provides examples of: Adaptation Name Change: Lorelei is given back her game name, rather than the "Prima" 4Kids went with. The Pokemon descends to the ground when it encounters cold air "Does Ash Ketchum know he might be arrested as accomplice of an attempted robbery?" Erica asks. "But if I was going down, I wanted to make sure I took one of your Pokemon The girl pulled out Ash's 8 inch long erect penis and she started to give Ash a nice blowjob. Giving Ash another long kiss, Sabrina slipped the trainer's vest off of him and pulled off his black shirt, admiring how fit the young man was. " Alex remarked. You see, Ash sometimes reverted to his 'Ashley' personality in order to take a break from the burdens of daily life and his stressful journey. With that, both initiates left for their quarters and slept in them for the last time. Erika (pushing Brock back down): No need to stand up, Brock. a series of oneshots, involving Ash with the many female characters of the pokemon world, some crazy situations and some serious situations, will be willing to write with any female pairing with Ash. Erika asked Ash many questions about his pokemon, the boy not minding at all. will start to meet Sonic and Fanfiction; Short Story; Teen Fiction; Historical Fiction; Paranormal; Editor's Picks; Humor; Horror; Contemporary Lit; Diverse Lit; Mystery; Thriller; Science Fiction; The Wattys; Ash is a Pokemon trainer. Sign up to add (Ash x Erika) Competencia Por Una Cita. "Thanks. Ash was stunned beyond belief, his partner Pikachu had been knocked out by Sabrina's Kadabra without even breaking a sweat. please read and review as well as request Nora was the girl who used a large fearow as her pokemon. "" Yes Erika is available, do you mind if we ask one question" sigh the dreaded perfume question" do you like perfume"" nope, hate it. I don't own anything relating to Pokemon. Erika & Satoshi | Ash Ketchum (3) Erika/Natsume | Sabrina (2) Ookido Shigeru | Gary Oak & Satoshi | Ash Ketchum (2) Satoshi | Ash Ketchum & Wataru | Lance (2) Satoshi | Ash Ketchum & Satoshi no Pikachu | Ash Ketchum's Pikachu (2) Satoshi | Ash Ketchum & Satoshi no Lizardon | Ash Ketchum's Charizard (2) Chosen One Satoshi | Ash Ketchum; Cross-Posted on FanFiction. "What's that Pokemon?" Ash questioned as he pulled out his Rotom Phone. Iris and Cilan will be wearing their attire from Pokemon Black and White. "Hi, Messila! Looking good!" Erika remarked. I snuck into your Gym to win a Badge and now I want to challenge you. To be Continued The Gym trainer took Ash to the back room, where the Gym Leader seemed to be snoozing. He couldn't believe it had only been eight years since he and May had arrived in Sinnoh. Opting to explore his home region of Kanto again with experience gained and Pokemon caught throughout the regions of Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. His own grandfather was a former Champion and the Dragon Master had been around his whole life. ; Adaptational Nice Guy:. Ash who has at least Two Legendary Pokemon Ash/Sabrina pairing because there very very rare (mines added Cynthia as well as she is also a rare pairing) 5. Just sit down and relax. Ash knew he was in for a tough battle as last time. Ash finally decided to go back to the center as Officer Jenny apologized for taking "Yeah, it's me. Fanfiction. He even got offered a spot in the elite four, which he accepted. Next episode, Ash and co. " Ash said, as he walked away to find Professor Sycamore. ''Uh, Brock, why are you looking at me like that?'' Ash questioned. Whatever you say, Erika. Enough stalling, Let's get on with the show. ) Lily. " In this fanfiction, Ash has won every Pokémon League challenge up to this point. Rayshipping (Ash x Cynthia), along with some OC's in the story. "So, that Sliggoo can use Hydration. "Yep! Just four more to go!" Ash smiled. ) Pokémon - Rated: K - English - Adventure - Chapters: 11 - Words: 45,557 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 153 - Follows: 148 - Updated: 1/18/2020 - Published: 4/30/2016 "And a Sunkern and Sunflora" said a third worker. " Ash said with a smile. /Satoshi, Erika, Lance/Wataru, Dragonite/Kairyu - Words: 2,660 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 191 - Follows: 65 - Published: 8/11/2015 - Status: Complete Erika liked Ash for some years now, even though she couldn't see him. Ash, Serena, Ash's mom Delia and several of Ash's friends join together to enjoy the holiday together. What if someone caught wind of how Erika threw Ash out of her gym just because he doesn't like perfume? Who is that someone, and can he set the gym straight? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama - Ash K. Ash was pretty shocked to see who it was, and the ladies were just as shocked. Some swearing will be involved at some point. " Charles Goodshow answers. Reto y Cita. I learnt a lot from it. The only thing that attracted most people was the Game Room, in which people could go there and place their bets on some good numbers and hopefully win big prizes. "I just want to hear," Gary begged, shoving himself further into Ash's personal space. It was Messila Ronoki. Ash spent the last couple of days sitting in the Charicific Valley, watching his Charizard finish his training, he had become the strongest one in the entire valley, he watched him beat Charizard after Charizard without having a moment to have a break, Ash laughed at the situation as a woman with green hair tied in a ponytail, wearing mostly red with brown boots, "wow Liza, you After Ash finished swapping his pokemon back with professor Oak, getting Zorua, Absol and Zeraora back in exchange for Raboot, Arcanine and Charmeleon, he found that Cynthia and Diantha already finished their battles, having been fighting weaker pokemon than what he was facing seeing as all three of her strongest pokemon were injured after her I am honored to be in your presence," He bowed, embarrassing Ash and his pokemon. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Ash K. Erika started the battle for the third time in a row, but this time, she used a far different strategy. "And there's the Pokemon Centre" Misty added, her emerald eyes honing in on the building that held so much sentimental significance for her and Ash. Romance. " "Ash is busy looking into the migration cycle of Moltres," Brock informed her. Erika's Adaptational Jerkass behavior is treated as an Out-of-Character Moment. The next day was the pokemon contest. Hint: there is a connection to one of Erika's challenges. he found himself taking a seat to just listen to her talk about how Jenny challenged the previous gym leader before Erika. They were currently sitting inside while the children were out at recess. Ash with fully evolved Pokemon 4. Ash's dick was so hard but it was also very soft at the same time. Ash and Serena have returned home from their quest in Alola to Ash's home of pallet town to celebrate thanksgiving, a time honored tradition even in the world of pokemon. What are these Au's, read along and find out. "Like I said it was no big deal. Ash would have protested the treatment of his beloved hat but he was too horny to care at the moment. Ash mulled as the manager came by with a bottle in a hide-based pouch. Erika just kicked him out of her gym because his mom had an accident on her just recently, and now here she is visiting him on her own free will. Chapter 11: Primeape Goes Bananas and Erika's Gym. Look like the final battle for the Indigo League win be a red hot battle. Confessions In Celadon City. Blue plant vines cloak the Pokémon's identity in a tangled mass. It was the day before his gym battle with the rock type trainer and he wanted to get to know her better before that. Rise of Dark Volt", with Ash using the same villain name that Liquid Phazon had in that story. Au: Ash is 16, Roxanne is 18. "Your strategy was pretty smart as well Erika. "Thank you so much," she praised. Let's just get this over with. Twelve years later, Red, Green and Blue begin their own adventure to find that the world their parents left behind now holds higher stakes than Gym Badges. Pokemon who were abandon by their trainers, are being given to Ash ketchum, a 14 year old who is just starting his pokemon journey! Alright time to get back to the battles, now it is time for one of the most disappointing in the first season. "What you said to Erika was uncalled for!" said Misty. This is my first fanfiction, flames will be ignored, Dreamshipping. "Sunny Day, Ingrain, Sweet Scent!" Ash gets betrayed by most of his friends and his Mother, they all think that Ash should give up on his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master. "Chrysa will be happy to have this. Erika steps back a few feet and prepares to perform her hula dance. "The battle between gym leader Erika and challenger Ash Ketchum is about to begin. Check it out. Ash turned to his other friend, Brock, to see him giving Ash a slightly intense glare. " The ref said. As the two dine into Summary: Instead of being manipulated by Team Rocket, Ash decides to take better actions against Erika and his former friends. Adopted by Thewritter1996 Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - Ash K. Calem who was now thinking devious once more decided to listen to Ash's advice and followed behind him. A few stand by him, staying with him to the end. Misty/Jesse. Ash turns to face her and points at Erika. Here is the list of girls i decided that will be pregnant. Only the challenger is allowed to substitute pokemon. (Ash x Erika) Competencia Por Una C Magno12colmenares. just wanted to point out it wasn't Erika that banned Ash, it was the people who work in her gym that did, when crossdressing Ash was And so the new Pokemon story has come! This is the sequel of "Unexpected Twist" so you better read it before this one. " Ash said, smiling down at Leavanny's Pokeball before he grabbed another off his belt. Rating M. Rated M to be safe! Pairings Ash x Female Lucaio x Female Ninetails x Female Gardevoir x Female Blaziken. Chapter 1: Admission. Brock seemed to get slightly nervous for a second before coming up with an excuse. "Toge" Misty's infant pokemon, Togepi, chirped from her arms. The battle will be a three on three battle. So the only damage that Rhyhorn would get is double the attack power of dig, but dig by itself was a very powerful move that had the same attack level as "Try to keep in contact ok" Korrina practically pleaded. Ash remained calm and was able to corral the panicked Milktank and led them to the pasture near the barn. "I'll tell you what was uncalled for! You not preventing me being banned in the first place! You're supposed to be my friends! But no! You sided with Erika, you traitors!" said Ash. Ash with canon and non-canon Pokemon 3. In the Celadon city gym I am starting a pokemon story about Ash and he is able to charm the girls i listed down. please read and review as well as request a series of oneshots, involving Ash with the many female characters of the pokemon world, some crazy situations and some serious situations, will be willing to write with any female pairing with Ash. "Human Speech" "Pokemon Speech" It was the second to last day of the grass-type tournament, as 128 trainers are now down to four in several days. Ash remembered it being both rock and water, which meant that mega drain would work wonders on it, but he wanted to use it as a last resort, especially if Brock was going to use the behemoth Onix. Oh yeah beating erika's "Hello how may I help you" she looked like I had personally chained her and forced her to do this with a smile on her face. Erika perked up, a smile spreading across her pretty features. "Thanks for the battle, Aria. 1 part. "Oh, before you go" halted Erika. Erika: Well we shouldn't waste any more time talking. " Hi! I just started reading Pokemon Fanfiction, and I'll probably make more request posts like this one in the future. ) Erika When nothing is going good for Ash anymore, he throws his soul away, leaves all of his pokemon at oaks lab, and becomes the most feared entity in the world, now half monster, He has learned to control aura perfectly. Rated T for some possible swearing and violence. "What's up, Erika!" yelled a familar voice. Pokemon who were abandon by their trainers, are being given to Ash ketchum, a 14 year old who is just starting his pokemon journey! Can he get them to trust him and become close friends to another on his quest? Au: Ash and Joy are both 23, with the young Joy joining him on his pokemon journey Heidi Joy was young lady who was on top of the world. please read and review as well as request Ash and Erika were both surprised that Brock had a living fossil Pokemon. (Please be kind, this is my first fanfiction ever. "Minako, stop distracting me and let me train with Mako!" Ash snapped Ash was really impressed with some of the strategies Anabel and Sabrina had come up with to defeat Erika and Jasmine. Rated M for adult themes and Lemons Once Ash was in front of it, Sabrina took off Ash's hat and tossed it to the floor. Erika's checked brushed with from dark pink to little pink. Ash was at the front guiding them through the dense brush when lightning struck one of the trees near them spooking some of the pokemon. Ash, Krabby, and Erika began to pass time talking about future aspirations and other random stuff and even got a nap in. "Block it with Sludge Wave!" Ash x (Misty, Erika, Sabrina, Lorelei, Karen, Janine, Jasmine, Clair, Flanery, Phobe, Cynthia, or Elsa) Ash x (Gary, Lance, Morty, Will, Brawley, Steven, Riley, Sir Aaron, Volkner, or Grimsly) (The Pokemon Ash must have with him in Sinnoh and anywhere else you may take him, Raichi(Pikachu accidently evolves), Lucario (Must start with Ash learned a helpful hit form Erika; Pokemon that used attacks that were the same type as they were got an additional bonus of 50%, or same type attack bonus, or STAB as they abbreviate it. The Trainer cleared her throat but got no reaction from the lady. " Ash said. . He is young and cheerful. Ash was happy to get his fifth A FLOWER'S CURE - Celadon City - The scene opens up near the outskirts of Celadon City. "Hi, Ash!" Ben greeted him happily. Erika blinked as Ash grinned. Créditos a su Autor. "Quiver Dance followed by Magical Leaf!" Ash walked into a bustling new city to gather the sites of everything around him, the feel of the city was amazing to him, he had never seen a city quite like it in his journeys before, the traditional buildings that sided every street and then a building with a green roof, "hey that's the pokemon league insignia," Ash reminded himself while walking up to the building with his ever fateful Ash did some mental calculations; if Erika was right that the average train goes around 15 miles per hour, it would then take at most 14 minutes. He took out an apple and bit into it and Dratini have the rest. To the outsiders he looked like a skinny, finely-dressed girl. When the Celadon Gym Leader Erika finds him in After Ash gets betrayed by most of his male friends and his mother, he gets very heartbroken and runs away with all of his pokemon and disappears without a trace for 3 and a half years. that being Erika and her reaction to him not liking her perfume. "He's visiting several volcanoes all along the Cinnabar Ridge as part of his research. Chap. When the Celadon Gym Leader Erika finds him in The Ash was currently sitting on a park bench enjoying the sun. He then gestured towards his pokemon. ) Misty. For Ash's Charmander and Serena's fennekin I wanted them to evolve together and when Ash and Serena started dating. It's time for me to do some dancing. " Ash, Erika and the Pokémon smiled. Behind Ash, Gloria, Dawn and their Pokémon sat Kiki and her parents. FanFiction | unleash It was a marvelous feeling to experience bonding between a trainer and his Pokemon. "Also, here is a Paralyze Heal for Pikachu," Erika added as she handed Ash a small, clear bottle. Ash also noted that it seemed to change to a rectangle shape, and everything was becoming pinker, if you could make a pink bubble any more pink. She's written more in-line with her game persona. Whatever you say. please read and review as well as request Ch6: Erika (Pussy Vore) I didn't expect Sabrina and her mom to actually come out of my ass, but that's exactly what happened the next morning when i used the bathroom. So Erika had obtained new pokemon since the last time she saw Ash. Now, Ash is on his way to the Pokemon World Tournament to prove to those who betrayed him that he is indeed a Pokemon Master. It was Erika who was with Rose. See all. Litleo sat on Dawn's lap with Ash and Gloria sitting with her as John stood on one side of the field and on the other side was Erika. I just hate seeing other pokemon in pain. "So do I Erika" said Ash. He scooped up the Stufful and tucked it into his chest, just as the entire stand came crashing down. Misty discovers something about herself. " "She want a little horror show, she got it. Net; LGBTQ Character of Color; LGBTQ Female Character; LGBTQ Themes; LGBTQ Female Character of Color; Trans Satoshi | Ash Ketchum; Erika (Pokemon) (27) Kasumi | Misty (4) Mikan | Jasmine (4) Satoshi | Ash Ketchum (3) Kyou | Koga (3) Akane | Whitney (3) Even though the Original Anime will be used as a "skeleton," I'll cut out/repurpose specific filler episodes; have certain catches happen sooner than in canon, have Ash's traveling companions catch more Pokemon, change several movesets, and give certain Gym Leaders more Pokèmon to use to make their gym battles more interesting and give some of When Nemona visits Ash in Pallet Town to meet him in person, she gets challenged by him in a friendly sparring match. Reads 272. please read and review as well as request Jasmine lowered her head. I would like you to PM Me on the girls you choose. and they decided to go have dinner and made their way back to the lobby Read and find out Ash/Georgia pairing (Confidenceshipping i think its called) Ash wont catch the same pokemon as the show but most will be the same. "So I had to wear this stupid disguise. Sun, Jan 28, 2024. In addition, characters from other franchises will show up too. However, he returns for a battle of Champions, ready to claim his title, but now he is deadly: both with and without Pokemon. Ash looked at Candice with a look and try shaking her out of her thoughts. Ash had a glazed look on his face. I generally had fun with this one. Both of them love the world of Pokemon, and when Ash a series of oneshots, involving Ash with the many female characters of the pokemon world, some crazy situations and some serious situations, will be willing to write with any female pairing with Ash. "You are no longer Ash Ketchum the pokemon trainer, you are now Ash the Chosen One and will remain on this island to protect us all. 11 finally up. Ash and the world of this chapter are based off of Liquid Phazon's story "PokeHeroes: The . "Ash Ketchum I presume," Erika responded. Ash flees the Kanto Region with all of his Pokemon, his remaining friends, and his 8-year old sister Emma and heads to the Otron Region. Pokemon is the official property of Creatures, Gamefreak, and finally Nintendo. Ash's starter Pokemon showed up, feeling electrified to battle this foreign Pokemon. The two of them took the region by storm resulting in May winning her first grand festival and Ash finally winning a Pokemon league. " Ash responded. Ash nodded in approval, "Pikachu, deal with these guys with Thunderbolt," Ash replied by commanding his pokemon to attack Team Plasma pokemon. "I told you that I would win. Not without stumbles, but she will climb to the top of the Indigo Fanfiction Rewrite Team Rocket (Pokemon) This is a rewrite of the Pokèmon Anime. Aria is a Pokemon performer. "Go, Gastly!" Gastly emerged, sharp fangs exposed—sniffed a little before sneezing, but otherwise didn't seem as affected as Pikachu was by the stench. "Looks like we just have one Pokemon each Erika" Ash said and pulls out his last usable Poke ball. Ever since the Gloom incident, where Ash saved her Gloom, she was really thankful, and after seeing that he wasn't a brat, she quickly fell in love That Dusclops has been such a help. " "That's great. Ash sent Greninja back to his Pokeball. What changed between the fil and this AU? Well you'll just have to read and find out. well that's inconvenient. Three and a Half Years Later. Five of Erika's workers were sitting in the audience seats with Brock, Tomo and Max. "Let's go, Ash!" Ash followed Georgia with his Pokémon who were curious to that exchange. " I was hoping to challenge the gym leader and leave. Slowking responded. Each will take place in a separate AU. However, nobody recognized him as Ash. 2. " It was the day after Ash got the Rainbow Badge from Erika after he saved the Gym Leader's favourite Pokemon Gloom from the burning Celadon City Gym. " Ash said shyly. The two after Ash recalled his Pokémon arrived at an odd place for Valentine's Day: the Battle Club. The crab Pokemon either ignored him of didn't hear him and continued his charge. " Ash made his way to the Pokemon Center, but Aria got in his way. Ash took a berry and took a bite out of it, the berries were ripe and in-season, but he was too lost in his thoughts about getting Mew something for Christmas to take notice. "She'll ban me from the gym too if I side Ash had been betrayed, kicked out, left for death by his old "Friends" 5 years later, He has entered a relationship with Mew, become the stronger than Lance, and is now a psychic Elite Four member. "Misty is enjoy your show, thought Sabrina is a little steam at you. "Miss Erika" she called out gently. Watch as Ash grows into the true trainer he was always At the start of his journey, Ash Ketchum's life takes a very different path meeting new friends leading to new adventures. #ash #ashxerika #erika #kanto #pokemon After losing in the Semifinals of the Sinnoh League, Ash Ketchum returns home to make a tough choice. The thing is I realized that most of them should have evolved at this point in the story and decided to try and get it out of the way for some of them. This time, a look at Erika after her battle with Ash. When the Celadon Gym Leader Erika finds him in just wanted to point out it wasn't Erika that banned Ash, it was the people who work in her gym that did, when crossdressing Ash was found out, Erika immediately did accept his challenge. She is beautiful and young. ) A story request by ghost509. Table of contents. No matter, X-Scissor!" With it's enhanced claws, Parasect formed large, glowing purple extensions and leapt right at the Dragon-type. Otherwise, you will not understand a lot of things that are happening. Ash flinched back and raised his eyebrow at Brock. please read and review as well as request Del autor de Fanfiction Black Ángel 2011. Ash thought hard at how to battle a flying pokemon when Psyduck was grounded. "Woah! Awesome! I've never seen that Pokemon before" Ash marveled as he stared at the Chapter 72, everybody! In which we finally make it to the gym after a few distractionsalso a nice big chapter so yay! :D. "Come dance with me, Brock?" she asked. Ash didn't know why Gary always went complete fanboy over Lance. Iris-15. "Well come on then!" Long series of one-shots about Ash getting it on with different girls in the Pokemon anime and movies. In his urgency, Ash had accidentally knocked out the stand’s supports and the crowd’s shoving had knocked the unstable stand down. Ash x Harem Strong!Ash Aura!Ash Rated M for Violence, Language and Future Lemons well, them's the breaks. "Jumpluff the Cottonweed Pokemon, Jumpluff rides warm southern winds to cross the sea and fly to foreign lands. There is a body wash that smells like sticky buns—also most of these perfume names are riffs on Victoria Secret stuff a series of oneshots, involving Ash with the many female characters of the pokemon world, some crazy situations and some serious situations, will be willing to write with any female pairing with Ash. Candice snapped out of it and blushed again but deeper ''sorry Ash oh I here because I decided to take a walk because it's such a beautiful night'' Candice said with a dreamy expression. "Ash, Erika says that Riolu would be a good choice at the Pewter Gym. Reads. Before Ash could react he felt the psychic energy infiltrate his body and cloud his mind. "How are Ash spotted a young Stufful sitting right where the shelf would fall, and ran forward, heedless of anything else. Ash was currently helping Roxanne with her beginner's class at the Pokemon Trainer's School. Ash is 17 while Sabrina is 19. In this rewrite, I will put more focus on Ash's underused Pokèmon, give certain characters more After Ash gets betrayed by most of his male friends and his mother, he gets very heartbroken and runs away with all of his pokemon and disappears without a trace for 3 and a half years. Ash made a snap decision, grabbed a different Pokéball and threw it. I am open to ideas, and will read any reviews posted. Charmander evolves into Charmeleon, but he keeps his nice personality. Soon enough it was time for John's Gym battle with Erika. from the more famous ones like Poke, Advance, Pearl and Negai to the lesser known ones like Othello. After hearing the news that he had beaten the Indigo League, the Orange League and the Johto League, she really admired him. After losing to the Kalos League, Ash is ridiculed by many of his old friends, causing him to leave for 5 years. (Ash x Erika) Competencia Por Una Cita. FanFiction | unleash Chapter 34: Rematch Ash vs. ash ashxerika erika kanto pokemon. Del autor de Fanfiction Black Ángel 2011. Erika. 5. I won't spoil it, but I will reveal that Ash will defeat him BEFORE the end of the Kanto Saga, but every main character needs a worthy opponent, and Giovanni is Ash's. " The OC Ali Winters and X are created by CharmedMilliE but also appear in Knight of Kanto's story Ash's Journey Through Hoenn. "If Ash wants to go with me, you're in no position to argue his option. "This is Dedenne!" As if on cue, a small, cute, pikachu-clone popped it's head out. Brock: Okay. One shot friendship drabble. uoy vork mybpy olur lxrc ruwgzq rjky nity bnlajqj bxortps ktpmri qrhuxuf jnoke qlmu fxfnbn