Special scope mhw. Don't end up like me.
Special scope mhw But scope boost 30% damage in supercritical distance . I have to hold down shift and slide my mouse up or down which is fine except i have to pull it back for the reticle to get close and push it up for the reticle to pull back for long range. It uses up 2 weapon slots, but adds a critical distance damage (30% more damage) if you shoot at the sweet spot in distance (you can change the distance of the sweet Special scope help . Augment I Special VI (1max) Attack +10 +10 +10 +10 +15. $14. Cool. Again, you can substitute the Close Range and Special Scope mods for Shield To add onto this: The full-DPS Spread 3 HBG is by far the strongest matchup against nearly everything. #1 Got a special Circle Pad Pro from Japan! 3. The special scope does work with the special ammo. Ctrl - Special ammo/fire clutch Mouse 4 (side mouse buttons) - swap slinger reticle (you won't use this much unless you plan to bow thousand dragon a lot) Now IB has some severe issues even compared to vanilla MHW that was completely playable for me with KB+M. If you did wanna keep giving special scope a chance (since an extra 30% damage is just stupid good) a strat I've seen used by speedrunners is "quick-scoping". ©capcom co. you can readjust the zoom while aiming down sights. I understand people being misled by Vor, because even I could get the Damage per pellet higher than Safi's. Speedrunners often use specific setups for different monsters to abuse some of the game mechanics, which means their sets can't always be used as general builds Mods like Recoil Suppressor, Close Range Up, and Special Scope are essential. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . I have had experiences where the although the scope tells me I am in super critical range, only the first 1 or 2 ticks gain JA 日本語: 照準切替; US English: Special Scope; FR Français: Lunette de visée; ES Español: Mira especial; DE Deutsch: Spezialzielfernrohr; IT Italiano: Mirino speciale Normal ammo is the only one that gets cucked when trying to stack special scope and damage mods, personally tested it too. It's kinda uncomfy to use, but if max DPS is your goal it's worth Special Scope Hits Different (HBG) | Monster Hunter World Iceborne Gameplay What are the builds on the zinogre HBG?? i thought so too. You can stack scope and close range with spread and long range and scope with pierce no issue. r/MonsterHunterWorld Wyvernblast mines are also really cool) even HBG users are hating the Special Scope. Heavy Bowgun is also stronger than LBG, and tends to have way larger clip Ballistics can be useful for close-range Pierce 3s if you are running Close Range mods. auto reload it still reloads when free razor shot goes . i also like the tigrex auto reload slice and sticky 3 as an opener until the team knocks them down a bit. Those are the only offensive skills on the set outside of Attack Up. If you’re using Special Scope it also just seems unnecessary for long range. If anybody knows anything more, please feel free to add to it. monster hunter world iceborn official web manual. "Un-immersive unblurry special scope. One extra step to do every hunt though. For maximum comfort, use this one together with the next However, if you change the zoom on the special scope, I can confirm I got both close range and long range mod to proc at min and max zooms. Robust posted Does it help? Using spread 3 burstcannonMinds eye isn’t used for spread ammo. -I usually run shield mods with scope since it's risky especially with spread ammo where you With the scope, just aim at specific body, legs, head, or tail. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Hold + + (Attach Special Scope): Allows you to change to scope mode when readying your weapon. Skills: Crit Eye+7, Weakness Exploit 3, Critical Boost, Spread 2. Special Scope gives you a Super Critical Range, which increases your damage while scoped in and at that range. If you drop 3 DPS-focused bowgun mods for shield mods, drop DPS skills to fit in 5 ranks of Guard (and optionally an additional 2 slot DPS skill for Guard Up when necessary), Spread 3 HBG is still as good or better than any other weapon in almost every matchup for Then put however many Shield mods you feel comfortable with (or zero, if that's what you want), then fill up the rest with Close Range Up. Fun Special scope is a must for full dps spread HBG builds . Decoration Suggestions: As the title suggests I'm working on a build to get the absolute most damage from the wyvernsnipe lv2 and special scope modifications as well as the assassins cloak mantel, what skills/armor pieces should I be focusing on to maximize the damage of a single wyvernsnipe shot? Zhadar_MHW • Special ammo boost Peak Performance Attack boost Shouldnt special scope be in there too? its quite clunky feeling to me, but the distance needed for +30% damage is easy to manage on spread and, well, its +30% damage. Special scope only affects the ticks that occur in the super critical range. . firdhGame JA 日本語: 照準切替; US English: Special Scope; FR Français: Lunette de visée; ES Español: Mira especial; DE Deutsch: Spezialzielfernrohr; IT Italiano About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Loyal Thunder (augmented for Affinityx2), 2 Close Range mods and Special Scope. For those that don't like the visual distortion of the special scope. Can't seem to find a way to invert the zoom adjust and there doesn't seem to be any Rarity 1 · Enable more precise aiming by attaching a scope to your heavy bowgun. Turn it twice, so that the top barrel is slightly farther away from the item box/housekeeper, and the little trailer hitch is facing you. More posts you may like Related Monster Hunter: World Action role-playing game Role-playing video game Action game Gaming forward back. I don’t use scope on pierce but to my understanding minds eye doesn’t work with scope critical range for pierce. Can see the 3 range types here, Out-of-Range (4), Critical Range (43), and Super Critical Range (56). MONSTER HUNTER WORLDhttps://store. For maximum comfort, use this one together with the next 分享steam手柄远. Why does the meta pin on Normal 3 for hbg have special scope and 2 close range mods? According to my testing I did on the training pole the damage increase from the scope is the same as the two close range mods but with the problem, that both don't overlap using normal 3. With the Snipe aswell, Mind you this was some time ago and I rarely use the Type 2 snipe. " This mod is marvelous because special scope blur can induce a headache. Rarity 1 · Enable more precise aiming by attaching a scope to your heavy bowgun. Very hard to get that Affinity up on Vor and KEEP it up close 100%. That’s a lot . Pendants NO Update, intentionally leave for the MH Kirin ** 15. Edit: I just realized that you can adjust the zoom in scope so you can proc both scope + CR when in close range distance. get comfortable with it and use it whenever you can. It’s easier to see for yourself in the training room, on the clutch claw wagon. I’m a damage glutton but I want to vomit whenever I try to use the special scope. 最近清任务换着武器玩,玩到远程武器的时候发现MHW的手柄远程武器设置异常反人类,网上找了一下也没什么好的设置,于是花了一定时间研究了一下,分享一二,虽然这个设置比较晚 另外超级会心镜建议搭配N网(No Blur Special Scope)这个MOD The Special Scope Does work with Type 2 Snipe and Heart but not With Type 1 Snipe. i saw that they used the special scope mod and when I saw gameplay of it, it would zoom almost like a sniper riffle, I used the same mods in the video but mine doesnt zoom that way (i prefer it to not zoom btw) but im worried that im not getting the "effects" of the mod, but it doesnt make the special scope easier to have critical distance? Ultimaweapon689 5 years ago #4. - Scope ซูมระดับสูง (อันนี้ไม่แน่ใจว่าเป็น mods หรือเป็นท่าใหม่ ในคลิปไกจินบอกเป็นท่าใหม่ แต่ในทวิตบอกเหมือนเป็น mod) Special Scope Attachment; Earplugs Skill; Alternate Less Gem Expensive Build Build Details: Rajang Will Unlocks Maximum Might Secret (Max Maximum Might Lv) No Shield and Have to Use Scope; Special Scope Boosts Dmg 30% for Critical Range Hits; Scope Makes Critical Distance Dmg Versatile (Same Dmg for All Target Ranges) You can substitute the Close Range and Special Scope mods from the sets in the linked site for Shield mods if you want more safety. < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments Special Scope. As for your other question, are you sure you are equipping the "special scope" in the HBG mod section at the workshop? Once it's equipped, you will see an icon for it on your item menu. gg/Mvr9 JA 日本語: 照準切替; US English: Special Scope; FR Français: Lunette de visée; ES Español: Mira especial; DE Deutsch: Spezialzielfernrohr; IT Italiano Normal 3 and special scope + closerange mods on hbg . 2. You need to have ballistics/minds eye, though, otherwise the scopes maximum critical range will activate and deactivate before you’re in “ranged attack up” distance. They even used wyvernsnipe to show off the special scope when it was revealed. See All. Other MH games - yeah put on Shot Booster and all the trimmings! Mandatory gunning. Don't end up like me. tv/deargamer Join Our Discord! https://discord. Question Delved into HBG recently but I’m a bit confused on how this mod works, especially the zooming part. JA 日本語: 照準切替; US English: Special Scope; FR Français: Lunette de visée; ES Español: Mira especial; DE Deutsch: Spezialzielfernrohr; IT Italiano Equip a special scope to enable an enhanced aiming mode. Hopefully future MH releases' changes to Bowgun can make the weapontype better in the future. Atleast there is a meal to somewhat make up for the lack of being able to combine both. That will put the scope on or remove it, no need to assign it to the radial menu, and no need to sheathe your weapon to put it on or take it off. Special Ammo Types and Effects Wyvernblast (Light Bowgun) Allows the hunter to put a flare-like object on the ground. Considering the special scope has a much tighter super crtitcal distance I honestly don't think the two (scope and long range) work together with Normal ammo. . 1 Update ** Added EVHL-style Head Remove, will causing insiginficant bug TABLE OF CONTENTS Greatsword Longsword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive Bow Light Bowgun Heavy Bowgun INTRODUCTION This page offers progression guides for all weapons in Iceborne from the beginning of Master Rank up to the early endgame. For further progression through the Normally, the default critical range on Special Scope cuts off just past the point that Close Range Up stops working. Then, go stand next to the housekeeper, attach the scope and assume the wyvernsnipe position. The base damage of the gun per pellet with the above skills and no Attack Up, and the Scope on, is 53 (41 without the Scope attached). Sadly, it lags a bit when dealing with large/many files, but bear with it. scope is a 30% damage increase while in super critical range. JA 日本語: 照準切替; US English: Special Scope; FR Français: Lunette de visée; ES Español: Mira especial; DE Deutsch: Spezialzielfernrohr; IT Italiano 1 long/close range attack mod 176 dmg, 2 long/close range attack mods 195> than special scope: 188 dmg (at their critical range) the question now is: is 7 dmg worth the extra mod for you or is 1 dmg mob worth -14 dmg if you dont like the zoom feature of the special scope?? The trap abuse seems almost necessary to using the special scope, though I haven't tried more than one hunt with it lol. Monster hunter world iceborne heavy bowgun mods explained as a guide t Is the long range mod still active within the scopes super critical range? I'm not sure but I can't imagine the window of the two overlapping is very big, if it even exists. These Special AMmo is a unique command exclusive to the Bogwun type weapons. Rapid Fire isn't a boost to DPS, it only really exists as an ammo conserving mechanism. edit: in case anyone trying to learn special scope spread hbg, you put the scope from the beginning of the quest, adjust the zoom to lowest, then never let it go. 0 Scabbard Update Quiver Update Clutch Claw Update Pendants Update ** 14. If your shots are dealing 200, they will deal 260 with the scope (it could be additive with other mods, I'm not sure). Kulve Taroth's Fury β Kirin Jacket α+ Drachen Vambraces α Kulve Taroth's Malice γ Garuga Greaves β+ Awakening Charm 2 Ghillie and Evasion Mantle Spread x2, Critical x2, Tenderizer x2, Flawess x3, Challenger and Attack Jewel. Super Critical Range is only available through the use of the Special Scope, but does work on most ammunition, albeit better for some than others. Have you always lost your food buff upon carting? 6 posts, 2/13 4:23PM. If you want to try a decent sniper build, try normal3 + scope + ranged attack up. 0 Remove HBG Special Scope Remove All Weapon Pendants ** 1. Affinity +10% +10% +10% +10% +15%: Element +70 +70 +70 +70 +100: Status +30 +30 Special Scope: Evading Reload: Wyvernheart Mod: Wyvernsnipe Mod JA 日本語: 照準切替; US English: Special Scope; FR Français: Lunette de visée; ES Español: Mira especial; DE Deutsch: Spezialzielfernrohr; IT Italiano Would mind's eye still help with hbg and special scope? Topic Archived; Product Deals. A 30% damage bonus is massive for MH standards, so if it was a built in feature, it would need to be toned down massively to compensate. Please see Weapon Mechanics for details on the basics of your hunter tools. ) How should you zoom the special scope with using the fatalis HBG with spread and a single close range mod? Do you zoom out as far as you can and get on top of the monster? Do you zoom all the way out so you can scoot back a little bit, somewhere in the middle? Is it just personal preference, or is there one that does more damage? It wasn't point blank. Special scope adds 30% so long as your bullets land in that Super Critical distance range. I stay un-zoomed most of the time and quickly look and fire when I have the opportunity. Frequent update. For solo and co-op with shield, either 2 CR mods or 1CR+1LR or scope+CR. Hitting a target from a specfic range will result in a super critical blast. The Crimson Kadachi Lion (Viper Tobi-Kadachi) is the best Pierce Heavy Bowgun and remains relevant all the way until you reach Safi'jiiva. Last edited by MeremSolomon; Feb 3, 2020 @ 3:58am #15 < > Showing 1-15 of 16 comments. The Recoil Suppressor will help manage recoil, while Close Range Up is ideal for boosting damage when you're close to your target. As pointed out in the r/monsterhuntermeta meta compilation these aren't speedrunning sets per se. 2018, 2019 all rights reserved. The only way for it to go any high ONLY ON PCShort tutorial how to removing the vignette effects of the special scope, No more tunnel vision. with spread ammo hasnt been as big of an issue for me as auto reload pierce plus its easier to craft in terms of supplies. Each Special ammo have different effects and uses which we will be discussing below. It’s not generally used for Ranged Attack mods because the critical range for Pierce is already pretty generous. It gives you critical hits when you aim with a glowing, orange circle target. The HBG's Special Scope shouldn't be a mod. This is basically what it was in the videos. I really like the weapon in concept but everything about HBG has pretty much devolved to "point in direction of monster, shoot, win" which is unfortunate. Where you just zoom in right before each attack, then zoom back out. For shieldless build, scope+whatever CR mods you can fit. 22 posts, 2/13 4:28PM. You can still deal considerable damage without scope . However, zooming in the scope changes the critical range, allowing both bonuses to work at the same time. , ltd. Hi guys, I'm new to hbg and was copying a build that i saw on youtube using the fatalis hbg with spread 3 ammo. Power Barrel Monster Hunter World Iceborne Heavy Bowgun Mods Part 3 - Shield mod and Special Scope. Loyal Thunder (Affinity) Recoil Suppressor, Close Range Up x3 and Special Scope. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Do you honestly think we only press R2? Do you think us as ranged users are cowards? Afraid to put ourselves in danger? Are you insane? Do you even know the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The bowgun can be used to attack monsters Hi! Would like to see a mod that completely removes the special scope zoom on bowguns so its easier to use it. This way you still get peripheral vision. com/#!/en-gb/tid=CUSA07708_00 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms JA 日本語: 照準切替; US English: Special Scope; FR Français: Lunette de visée; ES Español: Mira especial; DE Deutsch: Spezialzielfernrohr; IT Italiano Shammilan Armory Builder for Monster Hunter World MHW Iceborne DLC Hunter with fast user friendly UI interface. When active, the targeting reticule will change and turn orange to indicate when you are in Super Critical Range for increased damage. I can make a plugin mod if you guys want me to Do you think the Special Scope HBG mod is worth it? It's undeniable the straight 30% boost in damage is hugely noticeable and crazy useful. It only affects raw so benefits on Elemental ammo will be much less. FOV was left untouched. Giving up because of Alatreon. As a corollary of the previous point, these are not necessarily speedrunning builds either. You will aim in first person, and your reticle turns orange. Other New (Heavy Bowgun) Mods Wyvernheart Increases Wyvernheart power for each successive round that hits a monster. Is this a thing yet, and if not how can I make it happen? Share MH-Marlow-Holt What is a Special Ammo A Unique Move Exclusive to Bowguns. Nice beat drop from Nergigante, I really hope monsters keep beating the crab out of If you don't like Special Scope, it can be switched for another Close Range or Shield. No FOV change when zoom in and out when using scope too. upvotes Members Online "MHR is the easiest game in MH history" Meanwhile these MFs" 6. Wyvernheart Augment also lets it do quite a lot of damage Then the usual Razor Sharp + Crit Eye 7 + WEX 3 + Crit Boost 3 + Spread Up 2 + Peak Performance 3(if it can fit). Has anyone had success with this style of thing just in general hunt play? Sony bought Konami and will release a DDR game for the Nintendo Switch. 99 new $4. Monster Hunter World Iceborne all heavy bowgun mods - mhw iceborne update added a bunch of new dlc mods, before you make your heavy bowgun build its importan HBG damage output is insane. Thanks! Special Scope: Enables an even deadlier Critical Rnage when readying the special scope. If you aim directly at the training pole with special scope and find the supercritcal distance (make sure to use spread ammo), then move the reticle off the pole and fire, you'll see shots landing on the pole getting the damage bonus, even though the reticle says "out of range". That means to say, of spread, pierce and normal, pierce actually benefits the least since most ticks will occur outside the super critical range. Playing on PC and the way to adjust the special scope zoom is whack af. However, the closest zoom you can go with special scope is still pretty much the longest Hello there, I like using the scope on my hbg but I find a bit hard to be consistent with the super crit range, since it's very easy to have wings, tails etc on the crosshair as the monster moves or even just turns around, messing up with your very tiny distance window. And as for using it during the hunt, I quick scope with it. Capcom literally just hates normal ammo. You can either highlight it and equip it unarmed that way or if you have your gun out, you can hold L2 and then press triangle and circle together to quick The CR+Scope only works one at a time when using pierce depending on your critical distance. That means to say, of spread, pierce and normal, pierce actually benefits the least since most ticks will occur outside So if you are going to go balls out dmg u get better dmg with all long/short range mods but if you need mods for reload/recoil etc then ur best option is special scope! Only change POV when using special scope, not changing FOV. JA 日本語: 照準切替; US English: Special Scope; FR Français: Lunette de visée; ES Español: Mira especial; DE Deutsch: Spezialzielfernrohr; IT Italiano No Blur Special Scope Don't change FOV when using special scope More Wedge Beetles (Iceborne Edition) Bow Sticky Aim Removal Get everything under Essentials and learn how to use the MHW Mod Manager (it's fairly easy) and use it to install mods in one interface. "Get up! Show me your true power!" I tried it in solo Special scope only affects the ticks that occur in the super critical range. Wyvernsnipe Mod: Wyvernsnipe round no longer penetrate, but become extremely effective against weak points. (Can only equip 1. 0 Update ** MHWI 15. I recall watching a Speed kill on Raging Brachy and the dude did a Massive amount of damage with Wyvernheart with Special scope. I have 3 questions about MH Generations Ultimate. 52 used. also auto exhaust is nice for 1-2 procs Just a quick demonstration of the highest possible damage that's achievable by Type 2 Wyvernsnipe at this moment (5,481). Deal massive damage by hitting monsters in super-critical distance. Does not stack. Monster Hunter World Iceborne - Armor set builder & True Raw Damage Calculation. Train your map Un-Immersive Unblurry Special Scope. อธิบายความสามารถของ Mod อาวุธปืนเบาและปืนหนัก ===== Recoil Suppressor - ลดแรงถีบของปืน "Un-immersive unblurry special scope. Safi's special ammo is better. Edit: Also side note, if you're soloing, generally close range mod is better. Read tutorials. 0 Update ** Version match to game MHWI 14. But actually being able to achieve I manage the decreased view by just toggling the scope on/off so I can still see the surroundings. Does changing the zoom affect the ‘super critical distance’ that you need to be in for the max damage, or is it the same regardless of zoom? -I usually run shield mods with scope since it's risky especially If the special scope is used by the radial menu you do NOT have to sheath your weapon, unlike when you use it from the item menu! You can also perform a melee attack instead, which is replaced by toggling the scope. Wyvernheart Mod: Increases Wyvernheart power as successive rounds hit a monster. playstation. This may seem like a weird question but I’d like to use the special scope with the regular HBG view. Amazon. Like all Weapons, it features a unique moveset and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials used. The Special Scope provides enhanced accuracy and stability, which is especially useful in longer-range engagements. Tried it myself and it works well. And I mean between almost EVERY attack (except downs). Monster Hunter World IceborneWatch Me Live On Twitch https://www. HBG's special scope adds around 30% damage, so you will most likely end up using it. Some people swap a Close Range Up for Special Scope, but most people don't use the Special Scope until the monster is staggered or otherwise incapacitated, because it's hard to use with Spread. But Safi does more damage over time, due to the 25% Affinity head start it gets. twitch. Cartilage Blaster in Monster Hunter World (MHW) is a Heavy Bowgun added with the paid Iceborn Expansion. More Topics from this Board. In this game, you set your Switch on the floor and stomp till it no longer Heavy Bowgun (ヘビィボウガン hebi bougan, "heavy bowgun",重弩) is a weapon category in Monster Hunter World (MHW). An aiming mode that can be used by equipping the Special Scope mod. The special scope doesn't affect Wyvernsnipe since you can't use it with special ammo (so it doesn't affect Wyvernheart either) since you don't aim through the scope; and thus there's no super critical bonus.